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Home » When Is The Right Time To Move Into A Retirement Village?

When Is The Right Time To Move Into A Retirement Village?

When Is The Right Time To Move Into A Retirement Village

Pretty good question… the answer is: that the age and timing for retirement and relocation to a retirement community are not fixed. It’s up to individuals to decide independently. The optimal timing for this transition will depend on your situation and priorities.

Retirement communities often serve elderly citizens who want care and assistance in their later years and a lifestyle centered on the community.

Many individuals think of relocating to a retirement village when they wish to live in a more secure and socially active community, like Lifestyle Communities in Pakenham, and don’t want to deal with the maintenance of a big house. Some could be searching for a more mobile-friendly place to live, or they might be beginning to consider their future care requirements.

According to the Property Council Retirement 2022 census, most people start living in Australian retirement villages at around 75 years old. On average, residents in these villages are around 81 years old.

●    Home Maintenance

Maintaining a big family home may become more difficult as we age. There are ongoing maintenance and repairs, maintenance of the yard, and cleaning of several bedrooms and bathrooms. However, many individuals may find it difficult to leave their family home since it is often associated with a lifetime of memories and a familiar neighborhood.

As aging makes living in a large family home challenging, there are options to adjust: minor renovations for accessibility, and hiring help for maintenance. Home maintenance may become too much at times, so downsizing can be an option in such scenarios. Retirement communities offer a great alternative, with an encouraging environment and facilities that are specifically for the needs of older adults.

●     Safety

Your house may eventually seem less secure than it did when it has uneven flooring, many stories or levels, tiles, and worn carpet. These factors increase the possibility of a major slip, trip, or fall. If any of this sounds similar to you, it may be time to reevaluate your living situation; a retirement community can be a suitable fit.

●     Social Life

Many older adults in Australia feel lonely and isolated. Feeling alone is connected to more mental and long-term health problems. Sometimes, when people are alone unexpectedly, they might feel lonely. This can happen if their partner dies, they are far from their friends or family, they can’t move around easily, or they can’t drive anymore.

The Security And Safety Of Communal Living

Many elderly individuals have lived in their current house and town for many years; sometimes, they may realize these things have changed. There was a time when they knew everyone on their street and could knock on a door to go for a cuppa.

Nowadays, they hardly know anybody to say ‘hi’ to. If you are thinking about moving to a retirement village, it could be a place where people like you live in the same phase of life. Many people here have said that they enjoy being independent, yet feel safe knowing there are other neighbors and a team of people in the village who care for them.